If you’re pregnant, you may already be aware that occasional spotting is common. However, how can you tell the difference between normal spotting and when a problem arises? We are going to dive into some of the questions you may have and hopefully provide helpful answers to put your mind at ease.   If you…

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Being pregnant any time of year is a totally awesome thing! However, for those of you who are pregnant during the Fall months, check out these six ways to have a ton of ​extra​ fun during the season! Continue Learning! Schools are back in session! Some of you with other kids may welcome the break…

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LifeCircle is proud of its reputation in the local community. That reputation is built upon our doctors and staff as they treat and build relationships with members of Bradley County. Over the past three years, LifeCircle has been privileged to have three ladies from the same family representing three generations working for us at our…

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An Epidemic   Unfortunately an opioid crisis has struck the Southeast. The demographics of people under the influence of opioids is vast. Some range from teenagers, to elderly people, to industry professionals, even pregnant women. Despite the efforts of local and state authorities, the epidemic is still underway. While abusing opioids is extremely dangerous for…

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What Is The Third Trimester?   The beginning of the third trimester is the final lap of your pregnancy. Your baby will do a lot of growing in the third trimester, and you will do a lot in preparation for the birth. The third trimester officially starts in the twenty-eighth week of your pregnancy and…

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During your pregnancy, you stayed away from all the foods and drinks you were supposed to stay away from. No uncooked meat, shellfish, seafood, caffeine, or alcohol touched your lips. Now that the baby is here, do the same set of rules apply? The good news for new moms is that they can go back…

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Is It Menopause?   Are you entering the stage in your life where hot flashes, mood swings, and a variety of other unusual hormonal activity are nearly an everyday occurrence? You’re not alone. In fact, nearly 30 million women experience menopause each year! But, how do you know if it’s really menopause that is causing…

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Are you constantly going from cold to burning up hot during the day? Have you experienced significant mood swings or even feelings of depression? Is your sex drive not as strong as it used to be? Are you less than excited and motivated to workout because of decreased energy levels? If you are a woman,…

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pregnancy test

Could you be pregnant? The excitement may be hard to handle, especially if you have been trying for a long time. The jitters that accompany possible morning sickness exemplify your hopes of having a baby. Tons of questions may be flooding your mind. Don’t worry, you’re not alone. How can I tell if I’m pregnant? What…

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