trimesters of pregnancy

What to Expect During Each Trimester of Pregnancy

Pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks, and if your baby is delivered at 37 weeks or earlier, it is considered preterm. Pregnancy is divided into trimesters, the first, second, and third each lasting around 13 weeks, and today I will 'run through' the differences in the trimesters and what to expect ...


In order to look after your health, it is important to make visits to your OBGYN as regularly as you can and depending on your health and relationship status. There are clear benefits to OBGYN exams, which are not limited to sexual health. You can access your general gynecological checkups, ...
well woman exam


A well woman exam is an important medical appointment that should be routinely attended by those of the female sex. The examination helps to check for early signs of different issues or illnesses, and it as a safe place where you can seek advice and help for a variety of ...

5 Tips for Women Managing their Health During Coronavirus

This coronavirus pandemic has caused many of us, including women, to be more attentive to our health. However, as a woman, you have a lot of other health concerns in addition to the disease. During this stressful, unprecedented time, these concerns could be difficult to manage. Our physicians at LifeCircle ...

Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy

Having a healthy baby is an expectant mother’s primary goal during pregnancy. Moms-to-be often take vitamins, make sure to drink plenty of water, and steer clear of cigarettes and alcohol. But there are other foods that babies need us to avoid as well. Many of these are items that, while ...

10 Items that Will Make Pregnancy Easier

While some moms rave about how easy their pregnancy were, that isn’t the case for the majority of expectant mothers. From morning sickness to back pain to fatigue, growing another human can take a temporary toll on your body. Thankfully there are plenty of items on the market that can ...